rootrails [-h] <model_name || table_name> [<search_string>] This program sets the application root in a Ruby-on-Rails 'config/routes.rb' file. The first compulsory argument is the table or model name. If the Model name is given, it will be converted to lowercase and pluralized. <table_name> format is to be preferred. The second argument is the search string, which defaults to 'welcome#index' You will be given a chance to revise the input before any changes are made -h: get help REQUIREMENTS Execute from the root directory of the rails app EXAMPLE USAGE rootrails Product rootrails products rootrails commodities 'products#index' NOTE Pluralization is not very clever. An 's' is added to a word that does not end in 's'. 'Product' is converted to 'products' END
uname -ro; rails -v; ruby -v; psql --version # Preliminaries railspg -c new myrailsapp psql -d postgres -c 'SELECT datname, datallowconn from pg_database' | grep 'myrailsapp*' cd myrailsapp rootrails products # change roots pryrails # add pry gem scaffoldp # generate a scaffold rails c # start rails console load '../productseed.rb' Product.all exit rails s -d # Start rails server as 'daemon' lynx localhost:3000 Ctrl-c rails db # Connect to db from within Rails app select Name, Description, Price, id from products; \q
default: &default adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode pool: 5 timeout: 5000 development: <<: *default database: myrailsapp_development username: johndow password: <%= ENV['POSTGRES_PASSWORD'] %> host: localhost port: 5432 test: <<: *default database: myrailsapp_test username: johndow password: <%= ENV['POSTGRES_PASSWORD'] %> host: localhost port: 5432 production: <<: *default database: myrailsapp_production username: johndow password: <%= ENV['POSTGRES_PASSWORD'] %>
p1 = => "Television", :description => 'Retro devise for looking at life', :price => 100) p2 = => "Computer", :description => 'A device used to access Facebook', :price =>200) p3 = => "Rails", :description => 'Great with cocaine, even better with Ruby', :price =>400) p4 = => "Ruby", :description => 'Language created by Matz', :price =>1000)